Discounts on car insurance are great, but they don’t always mean better insurance

Discounts—we love them, want them, and in some cases, expect them when it comes to our auto insurance. After all, discounts translate to saving money—and we’d all like to do that, right?

When it comes to car insurance, discounts are a key selling point. Nearly every car insurance TV commercial or advertisement makes discount insurance the central focus of their message. And with so many car insurance options out there, price often dictates which company to go with.

Every car insurance company will offer you discounts of some kind. More times than not, you are already doing something in your life that will qualify you for a car insurance discount. Some common car insurance discounts include:

  • Homeowners discount

  • Multi-policy discount (more than one policy—e.g., home and auto) with a carrier or agency

  • Multi-vehicle discount (insuring more than one vehicle)

  • Maintaining prior insurance

  • Paying in full

  • Safe driving discount

  • Anti-theft devices

  • Low mileage

  • Good student

So, how do you get these discounts? Do you write up a list of all the ones you qualify for and present them during the quote process or to an agent? Not quite.

As you go through the auto insurance quote process, many of the discounts are automatically administered. Based on your policy, there usually isn’t any room for interpretation. An agent doesn’t pick and choose the auto insurance discounts for you. Car insurance isn’t that arbitrary.

Even if you haven’t initially qualified for certain discounts, you might be eligible for them entering your next term. Never be afraid to ask questions regarding your policy with your insurance company.

Another common misconception regarding discounts is that you can get discounts based on your age. Your age is usually reflected in your rate and has nothing to do with discounts. Learn more about the factors that go into insurance rates.


Discount auto insurance doesn’t equal better coverage

Discounts might get you a better rate on your insurance premium, but they have nothing to do with the type of auto coverage you’re getting. You can get less expensive car insurance by purchasing the minimum requirements without a discount ever coming into play.

What determines good vehicle insurance coverage comes down to policy limits and your deductible amount. You want to carefully read your auto policy language as to what is covered and what isn’t. Doing so before something bad happens will save you a lot of confusion and headaches down the road.

The other big factor for the average auto insurance customer is the execution of claims. When something bad happens to you and/or your vehicle, you want your body and your car back to peak operating condition as soon as possible. Great claims execution saves everyone time and money.

When it comes to good coverage, these are the factors to keep in mind—not the number of discounts you’re eligible to receive. But you should always ask what discounts are available, and whether or not you qualify for them.


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At Dairyland, we feel strongly about your safety, and we promote that through our Defensive Driving Discount. Check out what you might be able to save today.

Also, make sure you have the coverages you need on the road. 


This document is made available by Sentry Insurance a Mutual Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively "SIAMCO") with the understanding that SIAMCO is not engaged in the practice of law, nor is it rendering legal advice. The information contained in this document is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Legal obligations may vary by state and locality. No one should act on the information contained in this document without legal advice from competent and licensed local professionals.

Sherri Wilson